Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Getting Healthy

I find my self in a very unhealthy state of mind and being right now. I lost my only sibling, Rick, in April. It has been unbelievably difficult. Rick died from a massive heart attack. As all Anderson Grand children seem to be, he was a couch potato.

I decided that I need to take responsibility for my health. I feel if I change my couch potato ways, it will help me get better control of my mental health. Since joining facebook, I have watched my sister-in-law deal with a divorce by getting out there and initial reaction was YUCK! I LOVE being a couch potato.

Since Rick's death, I am afraid of my heath declining dramatically. May be Anita has the right idea....may be it's time I start setting a better example for my kids. I owe it to my kids to get in better shape.

I found a neat website called Couch to 5K. It takes a non-runner, gives them a training schedule, and help set them up build endurance up to 30 minutes of running. The goal is to get you to have the endurance to complete a 3.1 miles of non-stop running...seems impossible but do able.

Now, I need some tools. One ipod, and I have to dig out my running shoes. Hopefully, this blog will journal my progress from a 212lb depressed mom to 5 to a healthy weighted, happier, more grounded mom.

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